Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy New Year!

You'd think with the start of the New Year, I would have resolutions all sorted out. Each year I jokingly say that my New Year's resolution is to gain 20 pounds. I figure that I probably will why not make a goal that I can keep. In all seriousness though, goals are great and after reading my brother-in-law's goals (Matt), I think posting them for everyone to see is...well...a commitment. Commitment is good. out for posted goals coming up.

For now, I do know that one goal is to only blog for a limit of 10 minutes per session. A good friend of mine said that a lot of time is wasted on blogging. I've been thinking about that and she might just be right. However, I do love catching up with friends and family and seeing their progress. Since written mail is so sparse now....blogs have become quite the substitute.